I originally created this journal to help my students be better strategic riders. In the past 3+ years, many folks have written to thank me for the help during COVID travel restrictions and beyond.
Ruth Hogan-Poulsen
When they couldn’t get to their trainer, they went into their notes and “toolbox” from prior lessons to seek solutions!

Maximize the value of your lessons, clinics, and…
… show preparation by using The Dressage Rider’s Journal to focus on your dressage training and riding goals.
Train with Intention
Track and plan not just your show year but also training plans, tools and tips from instructors, clinicians and coaches.
Continued in 2024: monthly ground pole exercises to keep training sessions fresh!

Honest Reflection
Record your progress throughout the year(s) to give yourself and your horse a realistic point in time to evaluate against! (Our memories sometimes fail us!)
Better Organization
Record award requirements and progress toward goals – whether personal training or regional or national titles.