Annabel and Emmy joined Team Poulsen in early summer with great goals and a determination to grow and learn and fill in missing educational gaps. By fall, no one was disappointed! Annabel is a thinker and is physically capable of what ever she puts her mind to!
It’s been so rewarding to teach and train this pair- I invited them to join Team Poulsen in Florida in January. Annabel will finish her last semester of her high school year in FL and finish her classes on line. We can’t wait to have her in the barn every day!
Ruth Hogan-Poulsen
Annabel Clark, age 14, and Redeeming Act (Emmy) joined Ruth Hogan-Poulsen’s student roster six months ago.
”I have learned a lot from Ruth about being efficient and effective when riding,” shared Annabel. “For instance, if I am working on something and it goes well, then I pat her and move on to something else. It has made my rides more productive, and enjoyable. Ruth also helped me develop a warm-up plan that is really helpful for my horse.”
This year, Annabel made a lot of changes to the way she thinks and to what the big priorities should be during a ride.
“Like everyone, when something changes, we are not quite sure if we are doing the correct thing in the moment until it becomes more of a habit and easier to recognize,” explained Ruth. “Taking this into consideration, I helped Annabel develop a check list of sorts for when she rides on her own to help her know when to move onto the next stage of the ride!”
During this year’s East Hill Farm “Ride a Test” Days, Annabel and Emmy moved up to First Level.
“Ruth is so committed to Annabel and her horse Emmy and her approach is individualized to each of their needs,” explained Annabel’s mom, Susannah. “They have both flourished under Ruth’s guidance.”